This incredible story and case study make us happy and proud.
In this case, “the patient” was one of us, our Operations Manager EMEA at Roland DG.
Like many of us and our patients, Camille knows the value and accuracy of digital dental treatment and production.
1ª step:
Dr. Hector Jaen Gonzalez, from Clinica Dental Miranda and a DGSHAPE user.
The dentist assesses the case and recommends the type of material—zirconium or metal—to be used. He also evaluated the treatment and advised us to use pre-sintered Co-Cr.
Metal is chosen over zirconium, a four-unit anterior bridge on two implants in bruxist patients.
First Visit
2º step
An intraoral scanner takes a digital impression of the corresponding scan body so that the prosthetics laboratory can design the restoration for the patient.
3º step:
The laboratory receives the scanned files from the clinic and designs the restoration using Exocad CAD software. The dentist, Hector Jaen, validates this design, giving the lab the OK to mill the restoration.
The CAM software, Sum3D, creates the toolpath on a 98mm pre-sintered Co-Cr disc.
The 5-axis DWX-52DCi milling machine mills the restoration in the soft pre-sintered material.
The material is sintered in an argon furnace.
4º step
Camille visits the clinic and undergoes a mental test, showing that the fit is correct.
The adjacent teeth (13 and 22) are shot to determine a natural match for the client’s teeth. This is done with the Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer.
5º step
Camille returns to the clinic, where the bridge is fitted. In this case, a small contact point was missing on 23, and 22 was dark to improve the shade.
The bridge was returned to the laboratory to make those minor adjustments.
The next day, the bridge was returned to the clinic, the work tested, and the retouches created a perfect result.
This whole beautiful story proves:
The digital process knows no bounds; the clinician and dental technician worked remotely.
The workflow was entirely digital, from impression-taking to modeling and production.
Patients are happy to receive their treatment and finished aesthetic restorations in such a short time!
Thanks to Camille to have allowed us to document the entire process
Thanks to Dencadigi for their CAD work and to the La Miranda clinic.
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