Hi everyone,
My name is Francesco Napolitano. I am a Dental Technician and have been a DGSHAPE customer for some time now. I am excited to share this fantastic project, and I would like to thank DGSHAPE for this great opportunity.
I believe that sharing knowledge, continually updating, and working as a team leads to exceptional results. Digital technology is helping us achieve this, but it is always the people, intuition, and continuous training that make the difference. The Surgery/Laboratory collaboration is a winning combination when searching for solutions!
I believe that providing fast solutions to common problems that often cause anxiety for surgery patients is a great outcome. Additionally, it’s equally important that laboratories can assist referral surgeries. This, along with our passion, encourages us to always do our best. The use of digital knowledge also helps us develop new concepts and processes..
Patient with passive eruption
Let’s consider a case involving a young patient who wishes to enhance her appearance by addressing a passive eruption in the front section and adding missing elements. Alongside the clinician, Dr. Eugenio Longo, we have developed an “All in One” solution and, designed a surgical template with multiple functions, including:
The correction of a gummy smile, guided by the template, both for gingivectomy and for bone resection, again led by a calibrated template designed on the STL file from the intraoral scan and taking the DICOM files from the cone-beam as reference.
All this is done exclusively with Exocad and without the use of other software or tools to provide the clinician with a fully calibrated template and also with incision windows for the template.
The implants are inserted dynamically, and there is a calibrated window for grafting in the rear zone.
So, after the design stage, we moved on to the 3D print to achieve this result.
Here are some of the clinical process stages
Clinical process
Step 1
Step 2
Bone regeneration stages
Recovery period
Real case
Perfect surgery, thanks also to the skilled clinician
Ultimately, the clinician is satisfied, the patient is happy, and a new “All in One TEMPLATE” process has been created, thanks to digital technology, which I am so glad to share with you here.
Lastly, a few personal considerations: if we can manage not to be possessive of our work but rather share it, what we get back is much more satisfying.
This is what being a part of DGSHAPE Crew means to me: growing and growing together!
Francesco Napolitano: Your Smile Lab
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